Digital marketing advice from Search Marketing Standard has a list of things every internet marketer should know (but probably doesn’t). OK, a couple of these points might be old news, but a couple more of them surprised even us.
One point about adult ads: It seems a paradox that you can advertise adult-focused products and services on Google AdSense, but you can’t have a page with adult-oriented content (ahem, porn) and have Google AdSense ads displayed on that page. What gives with the double standard there, Google?
Also, the prohibition against advertising weapons strikes us as a slippery slope. What about Martial Arts defense classes? Mace canisters and alert whistles? Hunting gear? “Weapons” is a pretty broad definition, and a quick check of sponsored links in a SERP for any kind of weapon will show a plethora of ads from sporting goods stores and the like. Even “brass knuckles”! What gives, Google?